Healing the Natural way

What is Grounding

Grounding, also known as earthing, is simple science. We are bioelectrical beings that carry a positive charge in our bodies, due to excess free radicals, that can build up in our bodies and cause chronic inflammation, that in turn causes a myriad of other diseases, including chronic pain. The earth has a negative charge due to an abundant supply of free electrons. When we make contact with the earth through grounding, the positive charge in our bodies is neutralized, which produces a healing effect on a cellular level. This might be the greatest medical discovery this century. Due to our rushed lifestyles, concrete surroundings or obscure weather conditions, we do not always have the time or opportunity to have our toes in the sand or our bare feet on the grass for some time every day. Now here we have available grounding devices that can help you be grounded while you sleep or as you work during the day. You can actually become healthy while you sleep. Sleeping grounded on a grounding device has be shown to: • Improve sleep • Reduce inflammation and pain, including arthritis • Improve metabolism, cellular function, energy levels and circulation • Recovery from injury or DOMS • Improve blood pressure, blood viscosity and blood glucose levels • Decrease cortisol, stress, anxiety and depression • Improve Autoimmune disease symptoms • Improve PMS, thyroid function and other hormonal production • Improve immunity And more…


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What other Africans are saying about our products

Erica du Plessis, Johannesburg - 26 January 2022
My son’s sleeping habits changed drastically in 2021 when he was 17. He became a very restless sleeper, waking up several times at night and struggling to fall asleep. He was constantly tired and couldn’t function optimally which impacted his moods and general well being. Reluctantly we tried medications to help him sleep in order to function optimally during his Matric year, but we were always concerned as this was a short term solution to a long term problem. We were introduced to the benefits of Earthing and at the start of January 2021 we decided to purchase the Queen size fitted sheet... Read More
Sarie, 72, Johannesburg - 31 January 2022
After doing much research on Earthing, our children gifted us, in October 2021, with a Queen size fitted sheet from GroundingAfrica’s Premium range. This gift came at the perfect time! For years I have been struggling with Chronic insomnia and all the effects of poor sleep. Then in May of 2021, I hurt myself and had serious pain that went from my neck all the way down to my shoulder, shoulder blade and arm. I went to the Chiropractor who put me on pain and inflammation meds, but there was only so much he could do for my condition. After 3 weeks on the sheet, I could sleep on my side again... Read More
Kallie - Windhoek
I have been a diabetic for 16 years and injected myself with 40 units of insulin per day along with some other diabetes medication. My wife bought a flat sheet from GroundingAfrica for herself, so I ended up sleeping on the sheet by default. After a couple of weeks I started feeling a bit dizzy and tired. When I checked my sugar, I realized it was to low and started decreasing the insulin to get my levels back to normal. I am now completely off insulin and have decreased other meds by 50%. My sugar levels look great and I feel amazing. I can recommend this product to anyone. It has changed my life.
Marica - Tsumeb
Ek het Osteoartritis in my gewrigte. My knieë pla my elke dag. My suiker is hoog, oor die algemeen is ek net gedaan omdat ek so sleg slaap en baie pyn het. 'n Familie vriend het my vertel van GroundingAfrica se 'grounding' lakens en ons het besluit om dit te probeer. Na 4 maande is my suiker en cholesterol vlakke heeltemal normaal, ek slaap heerlik en my pyn het soveel verbeter. Ek kan die produk regtig aan beveel.
Esther Visser - Aranos
I have been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis for many years. I have been on high dosis of morfine to manage my pain. Since I started grounding on a GroundingAfrica sheet, the quality of sleep I get at night has greatly improved. I also sleep for longer and my pain is significantly reduced. I thank God for this miracle.
Maryke - Windhoek
Absolutely love my grounding sheet. I can't sleep without it!! All my neck and back pain disappeared and we are getting a good night's sleep!!
Laurence, Plettenberg Bay - 22 March 2024
I have been using the grounding device and my hand is feeling so much better, thank you! I have also been using it on my lower back and on my knee when they play up and they have been doing better than ever! The patches work like magic, they speed recovery and reduce pain. I have seen this with several different aches and pains. I slept with the patch and in a night or 2 it worked. My father of 85 has had a chronic pain in heel and lately its been very bad. So far he is seeing great improvement.

Contact Us

Our address
14 Eros rd Eros Windhoek Namibia
Open hours
Daily 08h00 to 17h00


Our address
Northcliff Johannesburg South Africa
Open hours
Daily 8h00 — 17h00